CP Training Solutions is a BILD ACT-certified centre that offers training meeting the Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) Standards. Please click here to view our certificate.

These breakaway procedures are vital in removing individuals securely and non-violently from potentially violent situations. Effective conflict management and de-escalation are key components of these techniques, which are thoughtfully developed to guarantee the safety of the individuals and staff involved.

Target Audience

Anyone who might be a victim of physical attack at work. This may include lone employees, healthcare professionals, teachers and other staff members in schools. When de-escalation measures fail and a physical assault may be imminent, it will provide personnel with the tools they need to escape a potentially aggressive scenario.

Course Aim

To equip participants with the necessary physical intervention skills using the least restrictive interventions to safely breakaway from a potentially dangerous situation.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the legislation underpinning practice.
  • Define challenging behaviour and understand some of the causes.
  • Define Positive Behaviour Support and understand its importance in supporting patients.
  • Recognize the importance of using person centred approach during care delivery.
  • Understand de-escalation and the different types of approaches that can be used.
  • Understand the various breakaway techniques to use following the least restrictive option.

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Our face to face training courses are both practical and theory based.

Contact us for more information about this course.